View tallitweaver's profile on Eventful

Cherri Hankins is a custom fiber artist in Virginia. In addition to weaving, spinning, and felting luxurious items for you, or from your own fiber. Cherri teaches. 

You can view a video of this wonderful studio at youtube. Cherri's username is "maidensweaver". Check out her youtube videos for information on threading your heddles, drafting your wool for spinning yarn, or to see the studio before signing up for a class.

      Cherri's weaving specialty is custom weaving tallitot. That's a plural for tallit, which is a jewish prayer shawl.  Some of her hand-woven tallitot are woven from commercial yarns, and some are both hand-spun and hand-woven.  

For more information on the tallitot, please click the tallit button in the sidebar.

Some of the work on this page, is student work. It is here to provide an example of the quality of instruction you can expect from Cherri. Occassionally, She will be able to accomodate students who want to put together their own class, so don't be shy, e-mail me.

Cherri volunteers with young people in her community. She works with after school programs, as an artist in residence in the city school system, with Boys and Girls club through art centers, teaches classes for seniors, and donates her time when art centers need it.<object type = "application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess = "always" allowNetworking = "all" width = "450" height ="407" data = ""><param name ="flashVars" value="&id=tallitweaver&interfaceFolder=eventView&theme=6&numberPerPage=5&displayTitle=1&location=0&venue=1&eventTitle=1&date=1&time=1&peopleCount=1&countDownClock=0&title=tallitweaver's favorite events&uId=499405201-bee3-e66e-cdc4-d67d8c7ed5d"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /></object><br> <a href=''><font color='#999999'>View tallitweaver's profile on Eventful</font></a>


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Last updated: 11-04-2009