Commissioning Work

Commissions can be felt or handwoven pieces created from designs you provide...


You can commission Cherri to produce work for you.
Wall Art (woven or felted)
hats (hand-felted)
items you design and choose

Brookview at night >

Brookview at Night is inspired by an organic farm, right here in Goochland County, Virginia. The feltwork is wet-felted of primarily corriedale wool, with trees of horse hair. The horse hair is significant, because Goochland is southern horse country! The piece is mounted/hung in a "harness" of a loom that worked in the Hand Workshop Art Center, in Richmond, Virginia. The woman that founded the Hand Workshop(now the Visual Art Center of Richmond), is an aunt, or great aunt of the folks that own Brookview farm. So, it seemed fitting that this beautiful piece be mounted this way.

For 10 years, I have taught weaving and felting at the Hand Workshop Art Center, and this particular loom was always a problem child, so it is with great pleasure, that I disassembled it, and hauled it out, only to be used to mount and display my own work.

This piece is $450.00 and it's dimensions are H 36" X W 45".

In addition to the images on this page, you can view my work here:

My tallitot, or tallit

Albums of my work and my students at work
